All You Need to Know about Peach Color

peach color

Hex Code: #FFDAB9

RGB: (255, 218, 185)

CMYK: (0.0, 0.149, 0.274, 0.0)

The subtle beauty of peach color has made it an ever-popular choice in fashion, interior design, and other creative fields. But what exactly is peach color, and what shades and variations exist? This definitive guide will answer all your questions about peach color and explain how to use it to create a stylish, modern look.

What Is Peach Color?

Peach color is a pastel pinkish-orange hue that is often described as a warm, inviting tone. It is derived from natural pigments and is a type of orange-pink shade, though it is lighter and more delicate than its more vibrant orange counterparts. The color is derived from the ripe fruit of the same name, and is often associated with summer, nostalgia, and femininity.

Variations of Peach Color

Peach color has many variations, depending on the type of pigments used to create the hue. The most common variations are light peach, deep peach, and yellow peach.

Light Peach

Light peach is a muted shade of peach, created with a hint of pink pigment. It is often used to create a soft, ethereal look, and is often used in combination with other pastel tones.

Deep Peach

Deep peach is a stronger, darker variation of peach, created with a higher concentration of pigments. It is often used to create a rich, warm atmosphere, and pairs well with shades of brown and beige.

Yellow Peach

Yellow peach is a unique hue, created with a mix of yellow and peach pigments. It is a vibrant, cheerful color, and is often used to create a sense of joy and energy.

How to Use Peach Color

Peach color is a versatile hue, and can be used in a variety of ways to create a range of looks. Here are some tips for using peach color in fashion, interior design, and other creative fields.


Peach color is a great choice for fashion looks, as it adds a bright, inviting touch to any outfit. Try pairing a light peach dress with neutral accessories for a soft, feminine look, or opt for a bright yellow peach top to bring a pop of color to your wardrobe.

Interior Design

Peach color is a popular choice in interior design, as it adds a warm, inviting touch to a home. Try using a light peach wall paint to create a soft, ethereal feel, or opt for a deep peach sofa to bring a rich, modern look to your living room.


Peach color is a beautiful choice for artworks, as it adds a vibrant, cheerful touch to any piece. Try using a light peach paint for a soft, dreamy look, or opt for a bright yellow peach hue to create a vibrant, energetic piece.


Peach color is a beautiful hue, with many variations to choose from. It is a versatile tone that can be used in fashion, interior design, and art to create a range of looks, from soft and ethereal to vibrant and cheerful. Whether you opt for a light peach dress or a bright yellow peach canvas, this lovely hue is sure to bring a touch of warmth and beauty to any project.

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